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Project acronym Project title Priority Area of intervention Keywords Lead Partner Status
ACCESS2MOUNTAIN Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in Sensitive Areas of the Alps and the Carpathians  Improvement of the Accessibility Improve coordination in promoting, planning and operation for primary and secondary transportation networks U-AT-Environment Agency Austria (Austria)
ACROSSEE Accessibility improved at border CROSsings for the integration of South East Europe  Improvement of the Accessibility Improve framework conditions for multimodal platforms CEI-Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat (Italy)
ADB multiplatform Adriatic - Danube - Black Sea multimodal platform   Improvement of the Accessibility Improve framework conditions for multimodal platforms FVG-Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)
A.D.C Adriatic Danubian Clustering  Development of transnational synergies for sustainable growth areas Promote a balanced pattern of attractive and accessible growth areas Veneto-Region of Veneto (Italy)
AGRO-START Transnational network for SME support in the animal breeding and horticulture sector  Facilitation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Develop the enabling environment for innovative entrepreneurship AGROSTAR-National Federation of Labour Union for Agriculture, Food, Tobacco and Related Areas and Servicies (Romania)

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